Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bad Coffee

This little gem of bad coffee was in my "I Can Not Paint" period which lasted a few days more than a week. It is just ... well, bad. You can even see the shadow of a glass in the background that never made it to the final painting. Suffice to say, the coffee I was drinking was much better. I don't know what happened, but I have read other painters go through the same dry period. No refills, please.


  1. Every artist goes through something like this. I get writer's block. Makes me want to cry. But you fight through it, create some less than ideal work just to keep yourself going and then, somehow, without realizing what's different, it just clicks again!
    (And by the by, I like the shadow glass; it gives the painting history and a little extra character!)

    1. Excellent words of encouragement Amber Laura! I feel better knowing I am not alone - especially in the crying arena!~ Thanks much for your words.

    2. Excellent words of encouragement Amber Laura! I feel better knowing I am not alone - especially in the crying arena!~ Thanks much for your words.


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